Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fast track to personal achievements!


It is said that FASTING! urges you to do something new. It brings about self-realization and change, makes us see our true potential, and gives us a new focus in a new direction rather than show us where we have been all along.
During fasting transitions, people usually question aspects of their lives and make new plans for the future. They grow sensitive to their job, mate, home, etc. Even though the insights that you face may be overwhelming and may shake the foundations on which you stand, they will ultimately be positive as they help us follow our true nature and achieve our innermost goals.
Don't know bout you, but i'm sure to try it out! =)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Amanda's Tips To SPEED weight loss

If you're desperate to lose some weight. It's as simple as........................................Smoking!. Fast and easy.

Here is an interesting story---

A man smoked 20 cigarettes every day since his adolescence. He weighed 70 Kg when he was 30 years old. He was found to have advanced lung disease for which his lung was removed. In this process he lost 10 Kgs. He continued smoking against doctor's advice. Nearly 5 years later he developed mouth cancer for which he underwent removal of Jaw followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This time he lost whopping 20 Kgs. Now, he can't eat well by mouth, he has lost his job, his friends have deserted him, his girl friends are happily married off and he lives a lonely life. Now he is mostly on the bed and weighs 36 Kg!.

 Moral of the story - smoking does reduce weight. Doesn't it? =P

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All Hail SlimShady!!

Where'd u go?!-
Mr.Marshall's fans R all slaughtering each other!+
Clock's tickin, World's sickin!-
When will he get out of his personal stuffs
n start showin up on the screens
every morning the world wakes up?+
Now I've found an explanation to why
I've lost the sense of music.-

Thank god, recently, rumours bout the
release of 'RELAPSE',2009 is on fire!
Feelin so positive it's gonna be a blasT~
We need 'Gods'' like this to survive~
Rock my world E!

If Elvis Presley's the King of Rock n Roll,
I'd say E's the God of Rap.
Bleed it out!